10 recipes with pumpkin seeds for prostatitis

Pumpkin seeds are often found in folk remedies to treat inflammation of the prostate.pumpkin seeds for prostatitisThis attention is justified by the peculiarities of the chemical composition of the product. It should be noted that pumpkin seeds for prostatitis are an auxiliary part of treatment, but do not replace drugs.

Composition and useful properties

The main value of pumpkin seeds is the oil they contain, so they should be eaten raw. The main components of the composition:

  • Gamma, delta and alpha-tocopherols (isomeric compounds that make up vitamin E) are powerful antioxidants that protect cells from damage caused by external factors. Taking the isomers alone (alpha-tocopherol acetate, sold in pharmacies) leads to the destruction of the rest of its constituents and does not benefit the body. In pumpkin seeds, vitamin E is contained in its entirety in a well-absorbed form. Regular consumption of the product effectively restores and protects prostate cells.
  • Phytosterols (plant hormones), of which beta-sitosterol is particularly important. This substance prevents the uncontrolled proliferation of prostate cells by suppressing the activity of dihydrotestosterone.
  • Minerals: iron (in 100g almost 100% of the daily value), copper, selenium, potassium, cobalt, zinc.
  • Vitamin B complex
  • Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids (omega-6, linoleic, oleic).
  • Chlorophyll is a substance with pronounced antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and regenerative (regenerating) properties. With bacterial prostatitis, it is taken in pill form.

Zinc is especially important for prostate health because it regulates the activity of dihydrotestosterone, a hormone under the influence of which prostate cells begin to grow (hyperplasia develops). The prostate contains more zinc than any other organ. With its deficiency, the membranes of the cells of the glands become vulnerable, and local immunity decreases.

Regular consumption of pumpkin seeds helps prevent exacerbation of chronic prostatitis. Immune protection is strengthened at the cellular level, the prostate tissues again acquire the ability to resist the factors causing inflammation. The seeds are also useful for prostate atrophy.


Pumpkin seeds should not be overused. This product has a number of contraindications:

  1. Diabetes mellitus.
  2. Gallstones.
  3. Diarrhea of various origins. Pumpkin seeds have a mild laxative effect.
  4. Aggravation of gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, acidity.
  5. Pancreatitis.
  6. Individual intolerance.

Pumpkin seeds should not be discarded if the stool is slightly soft at first. Digestion will soon return to normal.


Pumpkin seeds for prostatitis can be used in various forms. The simplest recipe is 50 raw pieces per day. The oil extracted from it is also useful (it is not worth squeezing at home - it is labor-intensive and economically unwise). The main thing is not to subject the seeds to heat treatment. Heating will deprive the product of most of its beneficial properties and turn some of them into toxins (as is the case with honey) - most of the vitamins will be lost, the oils will oxidize.

Pumpkin balls

Pumpkin balls are a healthy and easy dessert to make. Recipe:

  • Grind 500 g of seeds;
  • Mix with 300 g of honey (medium density);
  • Refrigerate until solid;
  • Roll into cherry-sized balls.
pumpkin seed honey balls for prostatitis

The sweets obtained are kept in the refrigerator. For the prevention of prostatitis and during its treatment, you need to dissolve a lump in the morning on an empty stomach. The course lasts until the last candy.

Pumpkin and honey paste

Pumpkin Honey Paste is a lazy variation of Honey Balls. For cooking, you also need to grind 500 g of seeds, mix them with 300 g of honey and put them in the refrigerator. You can add nuts to the recipe.

Take a teaspoon of pasta before breakfast and dinner. The course lasts 3-4 weeks.

Pumpkin flour

Pumpkin flour is made by grinding seeds in a blender. In this form, the product is digested faster and easier. Take a teaspoon before breakfast and dinner. The course lasts a month and a half.

pumpkin flour is used to treat prostatitis

Pumpkin flour sticks to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, so it is not practical to use it in its pure form. Can be mixed with honey, milk, water in a 1: 1 ratio.

There is a special method of cleansing the body: for three weeks in the morning on an empty stomach, take two tablespoons of pumpkin seed flour and the same amount of kefir.


Taking pumpkin seeds with garlic (read more about using garlic for prostatitis) solves several problems at once:

  1. Improved prostate function.
  2. Purification of blood vessels.
  3. Get rid of helminths.

Cooking recipe: grind 200 g of seeds, 6 cloves of garlic in a blender, add two tablespoons of honey. Insist 12 hours. Take a tablespoon once a day on an empty stomach. The duration of treatment is 5 days.

In vegetable oil

Pumpkin seeds with oil are not only beneficial for prostatitis, but also effective in cleansing the liver.

Pumpkin seeds with oil are effective against prostatitis

How to cook:grind 200 g of pumpkin seeds, add 200 g of olive, linseed or sesame oil, heat slightly in a double boiler, then let stand2 hours. Take a teaspoon three times a day for three weeks.


Pumpkin seed cakes are suitable for fasting, which is very helpful in relieving symptoms of chronic prostatitis.Recipe:

  • Grind 100 g of seeds in a blender, add 50 g of cocoa powder, a teaspoon of sugar;
  • Stir until smooth;
  • Divide the resulting dough into 12 parts;
  • Form the cakes, put in the refrigerator.

During the course of treatment (12 days), you should eat a flat cake in the morning on an empty stomach, then follow a vegetarian diet.

Mixture to normalize urination

The mixture prepared according to the recipe below has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, diuretic and analgesic effects. Suitable for acute prostatitis.

You will need 100g each of the following:

  1. Pumpkin seeds.
  2. Flax and hemp seeds.
  3. Blackberry leaves.
  4. Elderflower, St. John's Wort, linden.

Pour 50 g of chamomile into the mixture. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over four tablespoons of the collection, let stand for two hours. Divide the entire volume into four doses and drink during the day.

Recipe number 2: take a tablespoon of pumpkin seeds, black poplar buds, rosehips, ginseng root and goldenrod grass, pour 250 ml of boiling water, holdin a bain-marie for 15 minutes (without boiling). Drink cooled and filtered 100 ml of drink twice a day. The duration of treatment is three weeks.


Pumpkin seeds can be used not only to make sweet desserts, but also healthy snacks. Salads with the addition of seeds are included in the menu for various forms of prostatitis.

Autumn salad


Autumn salad made from pumpkin seeds helps fight prostatitis
  • 50 g of raw carrots;
  • 50 g of raw pumpkin pulp;
  • A tablespoon of pumpkin seeds;
  • A tablespoon of sour cream.

Grate the vegetables on a coarse grater, mix with the seeds, season with sour cream.

With spinach

Spinach salad is not recommended for men with calculous prostatitis. Ingredients:

  1. 50 g each of pumpkin seeds, spinach, parsley.
  2. A carrot.
  3. A clove of garlic.
  4. 20 g lemon juice.
  5. To taste: rosemary, thyme.

Grate carrots on a coarse grater, chop greens, add seeds. Mix the lemon juice with the rosemary, thyme and oil, let stand 10 minutes, season the salad.



  1. 600 g of boiled beets.
  2. 50 g of pumpkin seeds.
  3. 150 g sour cream.
  4. Two tablespoons of grated fresh horseradish root.
  5. A teaspoon of cinnamon.
  6. Salt to taste.

Cut the beets into arbitrary slices, add the seeds. Dressing: Combine sour cream, horseradish, salt and cinnamon.

Beet salad with pumpkin seeds and saves from prostatitis

How to choose the seeds

Characteristics of quality squash seeds suitable for the treatment of prostatitis:

  • Raw (not fried);
  • No chips, stains, traces of mold;
  • Not wet, well dried;
  • No salt or other additives;
  • Free of foreign odors.

Store the seeds in a sealed glass jar in the refrigerator (oxidized fat at room temperature will damage the product). The maximum storage period is 2 months.

Opinion of doctors

Doctors consider pumpkin seeds to be a useful product, and its medicinal properties are not only applicable to the treatment of prostatitis. The substances contained in the seeds maintain the tone of blood vessels and skin, increase the body's immune defenses and prevent hypertension.

The amino acid L-arginine, essential for the production of nitric oxide, is particularly highlighted by specialists. This substance relaxes the vascular walls and dilates the lumen of the canal. For a man, this means good blood circulation and a confident erection. There is more L-arginine in pumpkin seeds than in veal or milk (recognized leaders in the content of this amino acid).

For prostatitis, doctors often prescribe preparations of pumpkin seed oil: suppositories and capsules. These funds have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect.

Reviews of men

“Periodically I eat pumpkin seeds for the general strengthening of the body, as well as for the prevention of prostatitis. I have loved them since childhood, so apparently I don't have prostate inflammation like most of my colleagues. "

“Pumpkin seeds mixed with honey were recommended to me by a doctor who was treating me for an exacerbation of chronic prostatitis. I immediately canceled the additional vitamin complexes. He said that simultaneous reception with seeds threatened hypervitaminosis. I ate the mixture for a month, now after six months I don't notice the symptoms of prostatitis. Now I am starting a new preventive course ”.


Pumpkin seeds are a valuable commodity, but they should be eaten in doses. In case of individual intolerance in the form of prolonged severe diarrhea, rashes on the skin, the reception should be discontinued. In the absence of negative reactions from the body, the seeds can be replaced with pumpkin seed oil, in which the concentration of nutrients is much higher.